Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day ... Day 112

Thanksgiving dawned with my mind counting backwards from dinner time, figuring out just when the turkey needed to go in, followed by when to make the potato and bean dishes, etc. Joe had gotten up earlier and made a wonderful breakfast sandwich for me. I love the egg, sausage, cheese sandwiches and this one was made on a homemade biscuit!

As we talked over our plans for the meal and its “timing,” when our friends would arrive, and what all needed to be done, we could not help but wonder, would TJ be able to call home? Both of us had sent him Thanksgiving greetings via email the night before so that when his Thanksgiving Day began our greetings would be waiting for him. We have no idea if this is just another day at work for TJ or if he will be given the day off to celebrate the holiday.

Hanging the flag, Thanksgiving morning, 2010
With breakfast done, I was about to start the next thing on my mental “to-do” list, when I suddenly remembered the flag! Grabbing my coat, I dashed out the door with our American flag. As I neared the poll mount, I allowed the flag to unfurl so that it was waving behind me.

Many may not understand this gesture, but for me, I am not only thankful for my freedom, but thankful for my son, my niece, Beth, (see Cousins … Day 26) and the thousands of others who will not be coming home to Mom’s for dinner today because they are standing guard, defending my freedom. Both TJ and Beth have volunteered for their deployments. Beth left for Afghanistan about two weeks ago. Part of her purpose in going is to relieve others, enabling them to get home for the holidays. I am not just thankful for the sacrifice these two are making, but I am so “stinkin’” proud of them!

Right now, it is time for me to begin the herb-butter rub for our turkey. This year it is just a small three pound turkey breast. TJ may not be sitting at our table today. But, he is not missing! He is very present here at home, always in our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers.

As I count my blessings today, TJ and his safety for the past 112 days is at the top of my list! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Facebook ... Day 109

Facebook is a social network service and website that began in February, 2004. It is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc, and as of July, 2010, has more than 500 million active users. “Users” of Facebook may create personal profiles, add other users as friends and exchange messages. In January, 2009, one study ranked Facebook as the most used social network by worldwide monthly active users. I am NOT one of them, but both TJ and my husband have their own Facebook pages.

Both of them enjoy connecting [and reconnecting] with people. My husband is now talking to former classmates from his high school days. He hasn’t seen some of them since they graduated more than forty years ago. TJ also keeps up with his friends, his cousins, and his fellow airmen.

A picture TJ posted on his Facebook page from Kuwait.
As I said earlier, I am not on Facebook. I already sit at a computer most of the day at work, and the last thing I want to do when I get home is to sit down at a computer once again. But occasionally, I will sneak into this social network somewhere out there in cyberspace through my husband’s page. I normally do this when he tells me about what somebody else has posted, and I have the desire to see it for myself, or when I want to pull pictures from TJ’s page.

This morning was one of those times. Someone encouraged Facebook users to write thirty things about themselves, post it, and then pass the idea on to thirty other Facebook users. TJ must have decided that he wanted to become one of the links in that chain, so he sat down and cranked out thirty statements about himself. My husband saw it and suggested that I might want to check it out. I began working my way rather quickly through the list, until I came to #25. TJ said, There is something better then my momma's cooking - my dad’s!  Hee hee”    

Now, I will admit that it has almost become a family joke that I only have about three or four recipes that I’m good with, and after that we go out to eat. To be sure, it is not really that bad, but I am by no means an “Iron Chef!” In fact, TJ is right: His dad can whip up some incredibly awesome dishes when I step out of his way in the kitchen!

I also discovered that as I was reading through TJ’s list, it was as though I was learning things about him through his own eyes. His honesty and transparency, even in creating something like this list, was amazing to me. As I considered some of his observations about himself, I caught myself nodding in agreement and saying to myself, “Yup, that’s TJ alright!” There were also times when I could not help but marvel as I realized he was sharing some of his deepest desires and most private feelings. [For example, I had no idea that he desires to have “an Army of children” someday].

As I quietly and respectfully read his heart, which is really the only way TJ knows to write something like this list, my heart could not help but swell with pride for him. Interestingly, the very first thing he put on his list for others to know about him was, “1. I am severely passionate about loyalty and honesty to my friends.” Nothing could be more accurate about TJ than that statement. He also wrote about his intense passion to serve, “I love the military, but hate my job, only due to the fact that I want to give more.”  

But far more than learning what he desires, or once again seeing how passionate he is about serving in the military, was the immense joy I felt as I read about his faith in the Lord. He wrote three separate statements about his relationship with God:

“I love my life, but had to fight and work to get some of the things I have today; but it was always God that allowed the things to happen the way they did.

“I don’t always do what I should to honor the Lord, but He gives me more grace than I deserve, and always forgives me, His love I will never fully contemplate.

“[I am] saved every day by the grace of God.”

Amen, TJ. Amen.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

TJ’s “Super HUA Day” Holiday … Day 98

Today is Veteran’s Day. November 11th was when the peace treaty that ended World War I was signed. No matter what day of the week November 11th falls on, it is the day that our country stops to honor those who have sacrificed for our freedoms. As a result, I had the day off work.  Stores held special sales for veterans and restaurants offered free meals to those who have and are serving in the military.

Veteran’s Day probably wasn’t too much different for TJ. There are no Applebee’s on base for him to go to for a free meal. But that is okay with him. You see, TJ has been declaring his own “holiday”. A little more than a week ago he called to tell me it had been “Super HUA Day.” I asked him what that was and he explained that he had proclaimed the day as “Super HUA Day” and went to work in FULL gear. For TJ this is his way of having a holiday when he feels it is needed. It is also his way of having some fun and wearing all of his gear even though it is not required.

TJ's picture of "Super HUA Day"
On Wednesday we received an email from TJ with a picture attached. He was having another “Super HUA Day,” as well as a little bit of fun. I laughed when I saw it. In my mind I could hear him goofing around as he imitated somebody who’d had too much “HOOAH!” I know he was simply having some fun, and probably bringing laughter to those around him.

Although TJ has fun proclaiming “Super HUA Day” I think that deep down inside it is his unique way of recommitting himself to the values he swore to uphold when he took his oath of service; “Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do.”  TJ takes that oath very seriously and strives to live out those values everyday when he puts on his uniform. “HUA” simply means he has heard, understood, and acknowledged those values.

Today has been one of a few USA holidays to remind us of our freedom, those who fought for it, and the tremendous sacrifice our military men and women have made and continue to make for that freedom.  TJ is thankful for such holidays. But the one that means the most to him is his own “Super HUA Day.” He will celebrate it as often as he needs to in order to remind and encourage himself to continue serving with integrity, selflessness, and excellence. TJ never wants to give his second best and he never wants to forget for whom he is serving: He serves for each and every one of us!

So, TJ, Super HUA Day to you! May it be a great one!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halfway There ... Day 93

Today, Saturday, November 6, 2010, is exactly three months since TJ deployed and flew from Norfolk, Virginia to Kuwait. He is halfway through his time in Kuwait. On August 6th, it seemed it would be an eternity with him gone. But today, just as I did when he was a child, I wonder where has the time gone? It is almost hard to believe he has been there for a full three months and that there are only three more to go!
Tomorrow TJ will get up and begin the second-half of his deployment. Keep up the good work, Pal, and be safe! 

A Phone Call from “UNKNOWN” … Day 93

The office where I work was “quiet” yesterday because several of my co-workers were gone. I was working on an assignment from my boss when my cell phone began to vibrate. I reached over and picked it up. It said “Call from UNKNOWN.” My heart quickened and I’m sure I was grinning as I answered it! This caller was not “Unknown”! This message told me TJ was calling!

As we began the conversation, I was able to slip away from my desk and sought the privacy of the conference room in my office. I was so thankful for the “quiet” day!

TJ is doing very well. He told me that he had proclaimed it “Super HUA Day!” and had gone to work in FULL gear: Knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, goggles, gas mask, etc. (If this idea of his makes no sense to you, please go back and read my post titled “Laughter Does Good, Like Medicine … Day 71”.) As he told me about his new “holiday” he said that one of his commanders saw him and just began laughing! It made TJ’s day to bring that kind of joy to someone else’s day. I asked him if anyone had taken a picture of him and he said, “Of course not! Why would they?” (…Well, so much for that scrapbook page!)

TJ continues to excel at his job and to thoroughly enjoy the deployment. One of the commanders recently asked him when his deployment would end. “January 31st, Sir!” he answered. “Oh, I was hoping you’d be here at least through May,” the commander replied. “I hate the idea of being here without you.” TJ immediately told the commander he would be very willing to have his deployment extended, but they both know that this kind of change is very unlikely. TJ explained to me that for an extension to be granted, his home base would have to permit it - and they most likely would not do that because they insist they are short-handed and really need him back there.

I brought him up-to-date with the things happening here at home with Joe and myself. He said he had received a note from his grandmother, and could I tell her that he appreciated it. And so, the conversation continued. It seemed all too soon when he said he had to go.

After we said good-bye and I returned to my desk, I was so grateful. Just to hear his voice was such an encouragement! To hear the laughter in his voice as he told me about “Super HUA Day,” to catch the excitement he still has just from being there, and to sense the joy he feels in doing what he loves and believes in! It made my heart soar!

Then I thought about the bygone days - actually, not that long ago - when a deployment meant not just months of separation, but usually very slow  (if any) opportunities to communicate with a serviceman overseas. And most certainly, NO phone calls! How blessed we are these days that modern technology enables us to communicate with loved ones that are literally half-way around the world from us, in a time-zone that is ten hours ahead of us, and yet, we talked with each other as if he were standing right outside my office building! How very fortunate we are! How very grateful I am!!

“UNKNOWN”? I don’t think so! It was “Super HUA Day” from my son!